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ABB Robotics

Training Day

As a part of my old mechatronics college course, i was required to attend a robotics programming training day at one of the UK's largest robot manufacturers.

The factory was amazing and I had the brilliant opportunity to find out how the industrial robots are programmed and was trained myself.

There i learned a various amount of different methods of doing this, from manual control, remembering movements and even a 3D environment similar to Unity for a more complex programming that includes other robots and devices.

At the training day i had to carry out a range of tasks from controlling a robot to use a pen to try and draw my name on a piece of paper, to later programming the machine to draw within the lines of a race track, using 3 main ways of programming the robot.

The robot was surprisingly big and this version can move its arm at speeds more than 4 meters per second ! ( in certain modes) . The robot was behind a bullet resistant screen in a protective caged area. There were multiple sensors to shutdown the machine if someone was to enter and a specific sequence to allow the machine to run at different speeds, for health and safety reasons.

A video of the machine in the training booth is included below, running my program.

After the training course, i was tasked with designing a recruits training booth, as a part of my college course, where i had to make a report of the layout, choice of robot and why and a selection of technical information to aid my choice.

 This module helped me learn what robot to use when and why you would use a certain type for some applications over others, such as electric motor driven or pneumatic. 

I also had a chance of seeing inside two of Britain's largest automotive production factories where i wads aloud to see how similar robots are used and how.


Project By Ryan Brown (CMOSS Founder)

January 11 2018

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